Bridging loans are used for short term lending, typically for a length of up to 12 months. Most commonly used when there is a requirement to bridge the gap between a sale or refinance of other property and are best known for their speed to complete the transaction, like auction purchases.
Development finance is used to support the costs associated with a residential or commercial development project. Unlike long-term property mortgages, development financing is typically short-term, with cycles in the range of 6-24 months. Loans can be used to buy land and pay for construction costs, and they are suitable for ground-up new builds, conversions or refurbishments of existing properties
Commercial mortgages are medium to long-term loans that can be used to fund the purchase of business premises, or to buy an existing business.
Commercial mortgages are sometimes called business mortgages.
You can also use a commercial mortgage to release capital from an existing building, which can be invested back into your business.
Commercial mortgages can also be used to buy an investment property that can be rented or leased to another business.
About us
Bridging and Development Finance specialist for over 10 years
Lombard Funding was established by it’s principles to assist the growing demand for it’s clients requirements to source mainstream and alternative finance options to complete deals and transactions as the red tape and increased need to jump through loops with a lot of the High St banks. The Principles of the company have been dealing with financial institutions for over 20 years and some of which are 3rd generation in lending. We have been borrowers, investors and developers and know exactly what it takes to serve our clients to meet their requirements.